On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:24:44 +1100, Trevor Wilson
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedOn Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:30:55 +1100, Trevor Wilson
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedOn Mon, 23 Dec 2024 13:40:17 +1100, Trevor Wilson
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Mighty MousePost by Trevor WilsonPost by Mighty MouseGet the facts. radio interview I recorded with Chris Uhlmann,
award winning journalist and Sky News Political Contributor
https://auslink.info/audio/netzero.mp4 (20Kb)
or watch the documentary ..
**Sky News? Are you fucking serious, you fucking moron?
in ancient times it was customary to kill a messenger who brought
a King news he didn't want to hear. I see you're following that
**Nope. I am merely pointing out that Sky is a mouthpiece for
denialists. NOTHING Sky reports can be trusted. Ever. Sky is not a
scientific source of note.
Post by Mighty Mousedeal with the facts. it's not about not reducing carbon
emissions, but how it's done, and setting realistic targets.
**The target is zero net emissions. Simple. It must be done as
rapidly as possible and then we must aim to reverse net emissions.
IOW: We must begin to remove CO2 from the atmosphere to bring it
back to approximately 300ppm. Failure means that the human race
will incur costs that are so high that we cannot ever pay for the
costs. As has been said for at least 25 years: Acting sooner is
cheaper than acting later. Should we fail to keep atmospheric CO2
levels below approximately 500ppm, then nothing humans can do will
prevent an utter catastrophe. The cost will exceed the GDP of the
planet several times over.
I'm aware of the problem (https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/
carbon- dioxide/), however we have vast reserves of coal that could
provide us with cheap electricity,
How about the CO2 emissions?
Irrelevant as far as this country is concerned.
Even if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Would it affect AUSTRALIA'S CO2 emissions?
Yes or no. Answer the fucking question.
Even if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedEven if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Would it affect Australia's emissions.
Yes or no.
Even if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonDid you forget that? We MUST move away from coal.
Mindless bullshit.
Nothing even remotely like a fact.
Nothing even remotely like a fact.
Post by Trevor WilsonHumans are releasing far too much CO2.
Even if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Post by Trevor WilsonWe must reduce those emissions. No excuses. No exceptions.
You get no say what so ever on that or anything else, ever
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedEven if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Would it affect Australia's emissions.
Yes or no.
Even if we were stupid enough to shut down all coal fired
and gas fired power generation tomorrow that would have
NO measurable effect on global temps what so eveer.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonbut thanks to green ideology we have high
electricity prices.
Fact actually.
BULLSHIT. We have high electricity prices because various state
governments sold electricity assets to private companies.
Victoria only did that because Labor drove the state govt finances
into the ground and there was no other viable alternative.
There you go.
There the labor govt went, down the tubes, financially
and got flushed by the voters, for a reason.
Post by Trevor WilsonIt was entirely due to the sell off of electricity assets.
That happened after labor flushed the govt finances down the tubes
Post by Trevor WilsonDid the Libs need to. Of course not. They did it,because every other
state, except Qld did.
Victoria did that before anyone else, fuckwit.
Post by Trevor WilsonNSW didn't need to sell it's electricity assets, but did so anyway.
It didnt in fact sell the power generation, fuckwit.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPrivate companies can gouge consumers.
Not when there is real competition between them, as there is.
There is no effective competition.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage
given that you are free to use whatever retail supplier you
like and even get to choose one that has not been sold off too.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonAfter all, they have to pay huge chunks of cash to overseas
Another lie.
Really? Who owns the electricity companies?
It isnt just overseas shareholders, fuckwit.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonoverpaid corporate directors
Trivial part of their costs.
It all adds up.
Bullshit it does.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedFantasy
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonMost places in Australia have high electricity prices because we
have stupid state governments that soldoff profitable state assets.
Like electricity generation.
We would still have higher electricity prices even if
we had not done that,
Not even REMOTELY close to what we have now. Power prices went through
the roof as soon as power companies were sold off.
They never went thru the roof and the increase happened
in the states which did not sell off their power generation,
Wrong. Qld and ACT have cheaper prices.
No prices went thru the roof and Red has not been sold
off and any on is free to use them as their supplier
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod Speedsimply because the changes
to the grid and paying for renewables and stuff like
Snowy 2.0 which is because of the much higher
level of renewables would still have to be paid for.
Snowy 2.0 was always dumb.
It was the only viable way to do load levelling when
govts were stupid enough to do renewables.
Wrong. It was dumb.
Batterys are much dumber because they don't last anything like as long.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonThanks to the Libs.
Post by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonRemind us: Which Victorian state government sold off electricity
generating assets?
Because Labor had driven the govt finances in Victoria
into the ground and there was no other way to fix that.
How do you claim that would have been fixed otherwise ?
Borrow money, like every other government.
Made no sense at the interest rates there were then
and the other govts didnt have anthing like the stupid
level of debt that the victorian govt had run up then.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonwe could have kept our coal fired power stations
while at the same time transitioning to renewables.
We ARE transitioning to renewables. Places like South Australia are
very well advanced in fact.
And got much higher electricity prices because they were that
stupid and got to wear the mega grid failure when the transmission
line from Victoria which was crucial to viability was wrecked.
Overhead power lines are cheap.
Bullshit the new transmission line to SA is and the other new
transmission lines.
So how do you propose to get the power from the renewables
to the consumers ?
Underground cables.
Stupidly expensive for the long distance transmission lines.
Post by Trevor WilsonIt won't be done, because the private companies don't want to spend the
Because they aren't stupid enough to waste far more money
which would produce MUCH higher electricity prices with the
major transmission lines.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonthe only reason we
haven't done so is because practicality has been supplanted by ideology.
Nope. The blame lies squarely with Tony fucking Abbott.He is
singularly responsible for Australia's situation.
Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.
Nope. I am 100% correct. That fucking idiot, Abbott, istravelling the
world sprouting climate change denialism.
That's not australia's situation.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonNEVER forget that. Abbott's name will go down in history as the
worst, most planet damaging politician in Australian history.
Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.
Nope. I am 100% correct. That fucking idiot, Abbott, is travelling the
world sprouting climate change denialism.
That's not australia's situation.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonso we export our coal to China so they can have coal powered
electricity generation (https://www.carbonbrief.org/china-
responsible-for-95-of-new- coal-power-construction-in-2023-report-
says/ ) and cheap electricity and contribute more than any other
country to global warming.
Each Chinese citizen is responsible for less than half the CO2
emissions compared to each Australian.
But because there are so many of them, china contributes FAR
more CO2 to the atmosphere than we do and that's what matters.
Each Chinese citizen is responsible for less than half the CO2
emissions compared to each Australian.
But because there are so many of them, china contributes FAR
more CO2 to the atmosphere than we do and that's what matters.
Each Chinese citizen is responsible for less than half the CO2
emissions compared to each Australian.
But because there are so many of them, china contributes FAR
more CO2 to the atmosphere than we do and that's what matters.
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor WilsonFurther; China is installing VASTLY more Solar and wind energy than
coal or nukes.
Their stupidity is their problem
So you say. Do you think they might know more than Abbott's band of
I know they dont and will get to wear the cost of that stupidity
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Rod SpeedPost by Trevor Wilsonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China
Post by Trevor WilsonPost by Mighty MousePost by Trevor Wilsonhttps://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/markets-moving-
economic- costs-australias-climate-inaction/
The costs associated with achieving net zero are very high.
The costs associated with failing to achieve net zero are MUCH
higher. In fact, they are so high that the planet may not be
able to pay the bill.
**Did you bother reading my cites?
did you bother listening/watching mine?
Murdoch shit? Nope.
Tell you what: I will watch it, if you promise to read my cites.
BTW: There will be a quiz to test if you actually do read my cites,
should you agree to my conditions.