Post by Mighty Mouseanyone else besides me having problems with them? viz. timing out, not
loading posts, etc., I don't know if it's a problem with them or my ISP.
I eventually got off my arse and did some tests. First I knocked up a
simple program to download headers from Individual dot net. That ran
with no problem.
The next step was to run WireShark to see what Chunderturd was actually
doing. The symptom that I get when trying to download new messages is
that when I click the download button, a progress bar appears in the
bottom right hand corner, it stays there for about 30 seconds then just
disappears. Clicking the download button again gets the messages properly.
The way to get messages is to make a TCP/IP connection, send user name
and password then send a command to select the news group. The reply
from that command contains the message numbers of the first and last
messages in the group. With that information a command can be sent to
download all outstanding headers.
What I saw was, on the first click, Chunderturd just sent group command
without first establishing a connection. After that timed out clicking
again caused it to do a correct sequence and download the headers.
The upshot is that the problem is in Chunderturd thinking that it is
already in a session when it isn't.