Post by XenoPost by Mighty Mousewhile stuck in stop/start traffic today, I had a fiddle with the
menu on the display screen, and noticed there's options for the
steering, namely Urban, Normal, and Dynamic. how can the press
of a menu button alter the steering, and what effect do the
variants have? (yes, I know I can google, but it's more fun to
start another argument.. err.. I mean.. discussion thread) :)
Pressure control and I don't mean hydraulic pressure. I'm
guessing that your MG is like my Toyota, fitted with electric
power steering. That, along with various sensors and electronic
control, can give you almost infinite levels of steering
assistance depending on your needs and the road conditions.
A simple example; with hydraulic power steering you have most
pressure with the engine at higher revs. But, when you are in
parking situations, your steering is *heavy* but the engine is
idling therefore producing less hydraulic pressure to provide
adequate assistance. At high speed, high engine RPM, you don't
need so much assistance. Manufacturers have various means by
which they accommodate these disparate requirements. For
instance, steering assistance in hydraulic power steering is a
mechanical function of the rotary valve characteristic. It's fixed.
With electric power steering, you can have full electric power
from the battery to give you high levels of steering assistance
even when the engine is idling. At high speeds, electric power
steering makes it easy to dial down the assistance when much less
is required. Since no power is being used when not turning, there
is a fuel savings factor as well.
You will be able to tailor your steering feel to suit your
driving style. Urban mode will give you more assist than normal
at slow speed whereas Normal mode will be the default assistance
level. Just guessing but I suspect Dynamic mode looks more at
your driving *style*. For instance, more assist when you apply
*more force* to the steering or more assist if you rotate the
steering wheel *quickly*. Not difficult to incorporate suitable
sensors for the purpose, like a magnetic torque sensor sans
clockspring in the steering column, and the car will already have
*wheel speed sensors* that will enable the BCM to determine road
speed. It would not surprise me that the power steering system
can learn your driving style and improve the steering smoothness
at the same time as it provides higher levels of assistance.
thanks. I'l try the different modes and report back.