Post by NoddyPost by Mighty Mouse
if cash is gone, government and banks will have total control of our lives
Again, people have to wonder about the thought process you went through
that forced you to believe that cross posting this nonsensical bullshit
into two completely irrelevant groups was a good idea.
People have to wonder about the thought processes you went through that
forced you to believe that inventing a complete, over the top and
completely fake career in automotive just to big yourself up and gain
credibility in a newsgroup was a good idea! But once said people realise
you are nothing more than a narcissistic sociopath, no further
explanation needed, wonder no more.
Post by NoddyYou are a very unintelligent man who apparently is completely incapable
of learning from your own mistakes.
That's a mirror shot to the moon and back!
You have *proven* that you are an unintelligent man completely incapable
of learning from your own mistakes. You ran away from completing year 9
which, in turn, prevented you from ever signing onto any apprenticeship
ever. Did you learn from that and repeat that *failed* year? Nope, you
spent the next three years as a parts cleaner/trades assistant thereby
*wasting* those crucial years when you were fresh out of school. In
sifting through your *work history claims*, a safe assumption can be
made that you spent the next several years in other equally nondescript
jobs, likely also as a cleaner/TA. Did you do night classes at TAFE to
compensate for that first failure? My guess would be a resounding No.
Incapable of learning from your own mistakes. What you *did do* was
cover up your lack of intelligence with a lie, the one where you claimed
you were an AME apprentice. Sadly, for you, even passing that year 9
exam would *not* have qualified you for entry into an AME apprenticeship
since they were at technician level with minimum year 10 passes. Screwed
up there, eh Darren. Of course your ego got involved and, in cohorts
with your narcissism, you claimed another trade qualification, that of
an auto machinist. You claimed you did an apprenticeship in-house at
*Repco* little realising that the TAFE college, where *all* auto
machinists in Victoria were trained, was just around the corner from
where you once lived. Slipped up on your own bullshit there! These two
fake apprenticeship claims *pre-dated* my appearance on the scene here
and I had no reason to question your claims - at first. It was only when
you tried on another fanciful claim of transferring your AME
apprenticeship to a motor mechanic apprenticeship that you really fell
into the shit. What you didn't realise was that I had *first hand
experience* in the Victorian apprentice training system and knew
straight away your story/claim to be a *qualified* motor mechanic was
utter bullshit. Big mistake on your part there laddie! Special
dispensation from the DLI! Ha! You heaped on more and more bullshit and
it served only as your undoing. Your *previous* claims came into
question and were found wanting. Tripped over your own stupidity when
you said your AME apprenticeship was cancelled. Please enlighten me as
to how you can *transfer* a cancelled apprenticeship. It doesn't happen,
cancelled is just that, cancelled!
You really outdid yourself when you claimed that CVs straighten
steering. Well, right away it became patently obvious that you had never
done any apprentice training on steering and suspensions. That's all
covered in 2nd year at TAFE Darren, and 3rd year too.
One would have assumed, when you were being shot down left and right on
all these bullshit claims you made, that you might learn something from
your *mistakes*. But no, you doubled down and increased the bullshit
load to the Nth degree, Service manager at a Honda dealership (that was
a laugh), ran your own business in the *Slough Estate* of Altona, owned
land in Queensland, even the lie that your wife was a teacher and had a
teaching qualification and *you claimed* she told you there's no
psychology in a teaching degree.
Funny thing, I was going through all my stored documents today, in the
process of sifting through and working out which to keep and which to
toss out, and came across the Statement of Results for my DipTT. Right
there under Principles and Methods of Teaching 1 & 2 was Educational
Psychology. Funny thing, even Principles and Methods of Teaching had
psychology intertwined throughout. In fact, as I look back over the
subject list, I can see psychology enmeshed throughout. Yet you, an
unintelligent high school failure, have the temerity to try to tell me
what I studied at Melbourne Uni and even try to involve your own wife in
order to support your lies. As you found, it doesn't work and it never
will because some of us don't need to lie, don't need to invent our
lives, and that's simply because we actually have one.
Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)