Post by NoddyPost by Mighty Mousehe doesn't get to go to them. no one invites him to any :)
You know Felix, it's pretty clear why you have this adoration for the
mental case. He's the Donald Trump of
He lives in a totally delusional world, talks nothing but utter shit,
Who was it who *invented* their three (3) apprenticeships Darren? You
puir wee bastard, you couldn't even *achieve* in high school, you
couldn't even *qualify* to sign on to any apprenticeship ever, so, in
your delusional mind, you *compensate* for your failures, actually you
*overcompensate*, and *invent shit*!
Post by Noddycompletely ignores fact checking of any kind, and knows that his rusted
Fact checking? If you had done some *fact checking*, you would have
realised that it was impossible to sign on to *aviation apprenticeships*
with even year 9 passes, something you didn't even manage to achieve.
Did you really work at an airport Darren? Did you mingle with *real
apprentices* there? Didn't you ever think to ask just how many years
they had at *TAFE*. 4 years Darren, not 3 as you incorrectly thought,
and was proven by a government document your mate Daryl dredged up.
Ironic, what he thought was going to cripple me actually resulted in him
crippling *your delusions*. I seriously think even *working* at the
airport *as a TA* was one of your delusions. If you did, it definitely
wasn't as an apprentice AME.
Actually, your greatest delusion was thinking you could get away with
falsely claiming another apprenticeship - as a motor mechanic. Special
dispensation from the DLI, how I laughed when you came up with that load
of bullshit. You see, the problem for you was that I worked in TAFE and
*trained apprentices*. As such, we in TAFE never ever dealt with the DLI
as training was definitely not in their remit. We dealt with, at that
time, the Industrial Training Commission (ITC). It's all in the name
Darren. "Training", that's what an apprenticeship is all about - and you
missed out. Of course, even two apprenticeships wasn't enough, so you
claimed yet another! You screwed up there with the facts by simply being
ignorant of the fact that *all auto machining apprentices* in Victoria
were *directed* by the *ITC* to attend the auto machining training
centre at Richmond TAFE. No Darren, they didn't volunteer to attend
Richmond, they were *told* to attend, no other option was available to
them at that time. So your claim to have done your auto machining
training *in-house* at Repco was just more delusional bullshit from you!
You would have been smart to stop at one delusional claim, but you
couldn't do that, your narcissism combined with your insecurity complex
wouldn't allow it. So one delusional apprenticeship claim became two and
then three. At first I didn't question your AME apprenticeship, I had no
reason to since I wasn't an AME. I really didn't question your auto
machining claim either - at first. It was when you claimed to have done
a motor mechanic's apprenticeship after *transferring* from an AME
apprenticeship, that's when I smelt bullshit in the air. Then you
elaborated with *more delusions*, the requirement to spend a year in a
servo, the granting of special dispensation from the DLI and the fact
that you had no clue what *recognition of prior learning (RPL)* was all
about and that it involved a complex and involved assessment process.
You thought it was an *exam* that your kid sister could pass. Sadly, for
you, that is not and never was the case. So I kept throwing little
titbits (some would call them baits) your way. As expected, you piled on
more and more bullshit - and got caught up in your own lies. That was
when I called into question both your other delusional claims, your AME
apprenticeship and your auto machining apprenticeship. As expected, they
fell by the wayside when put under scrutiny too.
The best though was that phone call I made to VetAssess, seems your name
doesn't even exist *anywhere* in the trade registration database. That
one little fact put the kibosh on all your delusional claims. You poor
simple bastard, you didn't even know that every tradesman in *Australia*
has a *uniquely numbered trade certificate*, one for every trade they
have. You couldn't know that, you'd never seen a trade certificate in
your life, much less been awarded one.
Post by Noddyon supporters (that'd be you) will believe anything he says regardless
whether it's true or not.
You long ago lost the ability to differentiate between truth or lie.
Post by NoddyI wonder if he also paints himself orange?
You painted a bullseye on yourself the day you started making delusional
claims! Now you keep quiet on trade papers, just harping on about
*experience*. If you had done an apprenticeship, you would have known
that an apprenticeship is training followed by experience. The only
thing you have *experience in - projection! Oh, and running away,
sniping as you go. That's cowardly.
Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)